Saturday, June 27, 2009

India must change

This is a Blog where True Indians can share issues and suggest solutions to Change India which IS POSSIBLE if we change ourselves. Its upto the people of the country to change. Specially the current generation. Stop Blaming others. Point out problems and suggest solutions.


  1. India has all the resources. just not the right attitude. Not a single dustbin on the street. n if there is, its either broken / overflowing. No cleanliness. Education system is just a game of earning money. No quality Education. Indian authorities suck soo bad. My internationanal driving license was rejected in germany and was called a fake.I bought motorcycle riding gear and had a deal with the guy renting me the bike too. It was a big dissapointment how crappy the indian systems are. Well i knew bout the crap tht goes on in the country, but getting insulted abroad gave me a nice experience. For entry in germany, there was a seperate line for indians. all we do is blame others. I know its not simple to change the nation in one day. But v cud start. How can we expect the country to change if we dont? We are the next generation. Its upto us. For example all of us know the education systemin india-over 80 percent of it is just a game of money, and a waste of time. There is hardly any knowledge. Fake certificates, fake jobs, fake money and the fake stuff we buy with it. children from good houses are ruining themselves and hide everything from elders who hide all their mistakes under the name of religion. Indians are so busy distinguishing each other by colour, structure, religion, that they have forgotten that the world does not revolve around us. We are a service based country. The world does not follow us like developed Country. Thus making giving local languages so much importance is not going to help in the upliftment. It is necessary, but once u prove yourself in the world, then it makes sense. For example, if one goes to germany, he/she has to learn Deutsch in order to study/work/live there. But if someone comes to India, he/she will run away if languages are forced on to them. Because there are no returns. India barely has any fully finished products to show the world. More coming in.. Keep adding and if possible suggesting some changes..

  2. Problems are plenty .Its high time we stop complaining and start working ... One of the best solutions is to do the YES+ course organised by World Alliance for Youth Empowerment and The Art Of Living foundation. This will empower many youth on the track towards working for the nation . This is my experience .... had to share it with all you guys .

  3. Thx for posting this. India surely needs to change. India has no value in its own books. Students are waiting to run away from the country..Its about time India should change. Unnecessary taxes used for corrupting the system even more. In this way india will surely lead to a WAR against its self in a few years.
